This is how ornithologists call the mesmerizing aerial ballets of swarms of birds. The grounded flight of glide, the fluid speed of our iceskates, and the sheer immensity of a frozen stage allows us to bring this phenomenon to the performing arts for the very first time.
This unique event features ice-mavericks combining the athletic virtuosity of competitive figure skaters, the choreographic intelligence of contemporary dancers, and the physical instinct for flocking. They’ll join three of Le Patin Libre’s founding artists and choreographers who will use the flocking metaphor to ask big questions: why do we gather? Why do we split? Why do we polarize? Why is our collective behaviour sometimes so baffling?
Murmuration explores how humans get together: as instinctive creatures, as variables of algorithms (that’s what flocks are…), as cogs in machines, and, sometimes, as achieved individuals.
You can view the playbill notes for this performance here.
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The wonderfully fresh and inventive Canadian group Le Patin Libre are worth the wait: a quintet of bearded, dreadlocked, baggy-jeaned dancers who spark with movement ideas that I’ve never seen on ice before, let alone on stage.
- The Guardian
It is easy to see why Le Patin Libre is attracting a diverse audience to its shows. And while its combination of figure skating and dance will attract fans of both, one cannot discount the novelty of a performance at a local ice rink.
- Vancouver Presents
Murmuration is a co-production of the CanDanse Creation Fund, Danse Danse, National Arts Centre, Dance House, Fall for Dance North and TO Live, La Rotonde, and Théâtre de la Ville de Paris. With support from the National Creation Fund of the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Conseil des arts de Montréal, Dance North Scotland, Patinoire Le Dôme (Laon, France), Patinoire Le Blizz (Rennes, France), and Ville de Baie-Saint-Paul.
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